Monday, December 10, 2007


1. We can trust the gospels and New Testament as a clear intention of Jesus in the foundation of the church.
2. We cannot say that Jesus left a detailed BLUE PRINT for the church. NO BLUE PRINT ECCLESSIOLOGY. He did not give Peter details, plans, description of what was going to happen
3. The element of certainty and the assurance of being faithful in the HS.
4. We can expect to have unity and diversity in the church. the HS will guard that unity and diversity.

1. A new question arises in the church
2. The church leaders come together
3. A decision is reached

Who makes the decision? (28)
The Holy Spirit and US

Church leadership is not something that is going to be dropped from heaven but relying as both human and the power of the HS (is the way the church is kept in continuity in XT)

Revelation - It is closed, Jesus is the definitive revelation but it is continuing

We have the revelation but how are we gonna live them out

How do we understand how all of the churches from one church?
LG 23 The universal church is the corpus ecclesiam
-the body of the churches
and yet the churches form a unity and form a one body.

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