Tuesday, November 27, 2007

2. The Choice of the Twelve

Mk 1:16 Call of disciples

- in Jesus time, Jewish Rabi would be chosen by the disciple
-therefore Saul chose Gamelion...?
Jesus starts differntly, he calls the disciples
- its definitive, true reality and has a symbolic value
-symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel
-God is establishing a new people
-Jesus wants to show a continuity of israel and the church
-between the old and new covenant
-they will become Jesus' intimate companion
-receive special teaching and special experiences

Mk 3:13-19 Jesus appoints the 12 / Appointment of the 12
-definite and symbolic

HILL - something official is going to happen
e.g. Moses, transfiguration

Summoned those whom he wanted
he apointed the 12
- he is using his authority

To be his constant companion (relationships)
He sent them out to preach/ proclaim
and to drive away all the enemies of the Kingdom

Miracles - God's rule in people's lives

1. Hillside
2. he choses - they are 12
3. constant companion
4. sent
5. preach
6. drive our demon

15 - So he appointed the 12 (repeated/emphasized)

- he is establishing a new community

He sent them out
- official designation
- official witness,
- the messenger has the same legal status as the one who sent them
-empowered agents

SUMMARY: (POWELL, "The Mystery of the Church")

The choice and institution of the 12 and in head life of Jesus, we see Christ moving toward the formation and institution of the church. he will confide with his desciples the message of the Father.Later he would send the Hosly Spirit, the messenger. the word commands them to heal.

Lk 9:1-3

Characteristics of the Disciples of Jesus
1. called by Jesus
2. personal invitation
3. a call to a continous relationship
4. reflecting upon what it means DISCIPLE - "Dicens" - a learner
5. the ordinaryness of teh disciples
6. they are to form a community
7. Jesus will be their master
8. He will share his mission with them
9. Share his cross
10. rehabilitated sinners - recognize their frailty / imperfections

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