Sunday, December 2, 2007


I. Description:
-another way of saying it is INDEFECTABILITY understood it as a gift to the entire church
-the gift promised by Christ means IMMUNITY from ERROR
-a gift of the Holy Spirit, assisting the part apostolic teaching church in knowing and teaching Christ revelation w/o error
-the church continues to believe and teach w/o error those truths necessary for slavation

HS... CHURCH... know/teach... TRUTH.. SALVATION

- she's assured that she will be a faithful witness
-its a misconception that the church is not going to commit a mistake, never be deficient in her judgement
e.g. slavery, usuary, just war

II. Church Teaching / Reflections
The term first emerged in Medieval Theology
-there was some kind of infalliability
-the definite teaching comes in Vat 1 specifically in the document Poster Aeternus July 18, 1870

Vat II said:
- the Roman Pontiff excercise his authority when he (1) speaks EX CATHEDRA (from the chair, actinga s supreme shepherd of the flock, father, and teacher) and (2) when he DEFINES A SPECIFIC TEACHING / DOCTRINE and (3) for ALL CATHOLICS to BELIEVE

The word doesnt say that the Pope is infalliable
The gift given to church, that assure is not in the person of the pope

III. Clarifications

"EXERCISES" / Vat 1 did not explain / gave clear definition of infalliability but clearly said it is a an endowment of the entire church

IV. Vat II Lumen Gentium Nov. 21, 1964 # 25
- promise to the church, resides who in the body of the bishops when that body decides with the successor of Peter
-when the college of bishops with the Pope in 2 Form

1. If eccumenical Council
2. When disperesed arround the world but have a unity among themselves with peter teaching a matter of faith and morals

EXERCISED only in the ASSUMPTION of MARY (nov. 1, 1950) after VAt I

Immaculate Conception - 1854

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