Saturday, December 8, 2007

6. Pentecost

-link back to last supper
-already in it Christ's promise the gift of the HS (Jn 15:26)
16:7 - unless I go...
16:13 - when the spirit...

1. There is a full comprehension of Jesus' mission, the church, a full comprehension of who Jesus is because the disciples will finally get the total picture
-if one has to become a community that would preach the good news, you have to understand it in the resurrection and pentecost
-enables the apostles to comprehend fully

2. They were given the power to enable them to proclaim
- to be fearless, bold, audatious, strong witnesses

parrhesia (greek) - boldness, audacity, conviction
Pentecost makes the disciples bold witness, fearless witnesses

1. Full understanding of the mission of Jesus
2. Effective power to go out to proclaim

How does MC # 33 say about Pentecost

33. The Church which He founded by His Blood, He strengthened on the Day of Pentecost by a special power, given from heaven. For, having solemnly installed in his exalted office him whom He had already nominated as His Vicar, He had ascended into Heaven; and sitting now at the right hand of the Father He wished to make known and proclaim His Spouse through the visible coming of the Holy Spirit with the sound of a mighty wind and tongues of fire.[41] For just as He Himself when He began to preach was made known by His Eternal Father through the Holy Spirit descending and remaining on Him in the form of a dove, [42] so likewise, as the Apostles were about to enter upon their ministry of preaching, Christ our Lord sent the Holy Spirit down from Heaven, to touch them with tongues of fire and to point out, as by the finger of God, the supernatural mission and office of the Church.

Acts 1:14
-the church at prayer
-apostles gathered together with Mary awaiting for the coming of the spirit
- the praying church
- missionary nature of the church
- the disciples with Mary that go into mission

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